Education is key to the socio-economic development of every country. Achieving quality education however remains a far- fetched dream for most countries especially in the Sub-Saharan region. Malawi, just like other neighboring countries in the region is struggling to achieve quality education for all.
Some of the factors affecting the delivery of quality education in Malawi are inadequate well trained and qualified teachers, inadequate teaching and learning materials and shortage of classrooms and teachers houses. The situation is very critical especially in rural areas where in certain schools we have three teachers teaching in eight classes from standards one to eight.
In a quest to contribute towards promotion of quality education in rural schools in Malawi, Life Concern Organisation (LICO), a nongovernmental organisation based is support local schools with teaching and learning books, library furniture and bursary schemes for orphaned and disadvantage children. Currently LICO, with support from School Aid International, a UK based international organisation, has equipped 14 schools in Rumphi district with books and library furniture. The schools range from preschool, primary and secondary benefits an average of 300 learning and teaching books.
Nelson Kondowe, Monitoring and Evaluation officer for LICO says education is one of the key thematic areas for the organization development activities. Further he says the teaching and learning books aim to benefit many students in Rumphi district as most schools are failing to purchase these books with their meager resources and currently the organisation is waiting for another consignment of books from school aid international which will benefit a total of 17 more schools in the district.
Head teacher at Bolero primary school Wanangwa Mughandira thanked LICO for the books which he said is instilling a reading culture among learners. Mughandira also said, that the donation had come at an opportune time especially now that the Ministry of Education is failing to provide enough teaching and learning materials due to inadequate funding.
By Elias Nyirenda